Modelling Irregularly Spaced Financial Data von Nikolaus Hautsch

Theory and Practice of Dynamic Duration Models
CHF 147.00 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-3-540-21134-1
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This book has been written as a doctoral dissertation at the Department of Economics at the University of Konstanz. I am indebted to my supervisor Winfried Pohlmeier for providing a stimulating and pleasant research en- ronment and his continuous support during my doctoral studies. I strongly bene?tted from inspiring discussions with him, his valuable advices and he- ful comments regarding the contents and the exposition of this book. I am grateful to Luc Bauwens for refereeing my work as a second super- sor. Moreover, I wish to thank him for o?ering me the possibility of a research visit at the Center of Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at the Universit¿ e Catholique de Louvain. Important parts of this book have been conceived during this period. Similarly, I am grateful to Tony Hall who invited me for a research visit at the University of Technology, Sydney, and provided me access to an excellent database from the Australian Stock Exchange. I would like to thank him for his valuable support and the permission to use this data for empirical studies in this book. I wish to thank my colleagues at the University of Konstanz Frank G- hard,DieterHess,JoachimInkmann,MarkusJochmann,StefanKlotz,Sandra Lechner and Ingmar Nolte who o?ered me advice, inspiration, friendship and successfulco-operations.Moreover,Iamgratefultothestudentresearchass- tantsat the Chair of Econometrics at the University of Konstanz, particularly Magdalena Ramada Sarasola, Danielle Tucker and Nadine Warmuth who did a lot of editing work.

From the reviews of the first edition:

"This book regards financial point processes. ? Valuable risk and liquidity measures are constructed by defining financial events in terms of price and /or the volume process. Several applications are illustrated." (Klaus Ehemann, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1081, 2006)

This book has been written as a doctoral dissertation at the Department of Economics at the University of Konstanz. I am indebted to my supervisor Winfried Pohlmeier for providing a stimulating and pleasant research en- ronment and his continuous support during my doctoral studies. I strongly bene?tted from inspiring discussions with him, his valuable advices and he- ful comments regarding the contents and the exposition of this book. I am grateful to Luc Bauwens for refereeing my work as a second super- sor. Moreover, I wish to thank him for o?ering me the possibility of a research visit at the Center of Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at the Universit¿ e Catholique de Louvain. Important parts of this book have been conceived during this period. Similarly, I am grateful to Tony Hall who invited me for a research visit at the University of Technology, Sydney, and provided me access to an excellent database from the Australian Stock Exchange. I would like to thank him for his valuable support and the permission to use this data for empirical studies in this book. I wish to thank my colleagues at the University of Konstanz Frank G- hard,DieterHess,JoachimInkmann,MarkusJochmann,StefanKlotz,Sandra Lechner and Ingmar Nolte who o?ered me advice, inspiration, friendship and successfulco-operations.Moreover,Iamgratefultothestudentresearchass- tantsat the Chair of Econometrics at the University of Konstanz, particularly Magdalena Ramada Sarasola, Danielle Tucker and Nadine Warmuth who did a lot of editing work.

From the reviews of the first edition:

"This book regards financial point processes. ? Valuable risk and liquidity measures are constructed by defining financial events in terms of price and /or the volume process. Several applications are illustrated." (Klaus Ehemann, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1081, 2006)