Globalization and Competition von Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira

Why Some Emergent Countries Succeed While Others Fall Behind
CHF 51.50 inkl. MwSt.
ISBN: 978-0-521-14453-7
Globalization and Competition explains why some middle-income countries, principally those in Asia, grow fast while others are not successful. The author criticizes both old-style developmentalism and the economics of the Washington Consensus. He argues instead for a 'new developmentalism' or third approach that builds on a national development strategy.
Globalization and Competition explains why some middle-income countries, principally those in Asia, grow fast while others are not successful. The author criticizes both old-style developmentalism and the economics of the Washington Consensus. He argues instead for a 'new developmentalism' or third approach that builds on a national development strategy.